The following courses are available for Fall 2025 Session 4 (October 13 - December 7):
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
General Accounting - ACCT 1602 - 3 credits
Accounting I - ACCT 1614 - 3 credits
Accounting II - ACCT 1616 - 3 credits
Managerial Accounting - ACCT 1618 - 3 credits
Accounting - Invest & Financing - ACCT 1641 - 3 credits
Cultural Anthropology - ANTH 1816 - 3 credits
Linguistic Anthropology - ANTH 1823 - 3 credits
Art Appreciation - ARTS 1200 - 3 credits
Digital Photography I - ARTS 1246 - 3 credits
Business Technology
Data Base Management Systems - BSTC 1023 - 3 credits
Computer Concepts & Appl - BSTC 1036 - 3 credits
Spreadsheet Applications - BSTC 1685 - 3 credits
Introduction to Business - BUSI 1600 - 3 credits
Introduction to Leadership - BUSI 1602 - 3 credits
Business Law I - BUSI 1608 - 3 credits
Human Relations in Business - BUSI 1804 - 3 credits
Marketing - BUSI 1805 - 3 credits
Customer Service - BUSI 1807 - 3 credits
Entrepreneurship I - BUSI 1814 - 3 credits
Fundamentals of Chemistry - CHEM 1802 - 5 credits
College Chemistry I - CHEM 1806 - 5 credits
College Chemistry II - CHEM 1808 - 5 credits
Organic Chemistry II - CHEM 1816 - 5 credits
Fundamentals of Biochemistry - CHEM 1821 - 3 credits
Child Care & Guidance
Childhood Growth and Development - CHLD 1505 - 3 credits
Interpersonal Communication - COMM 1200 - 3 credits
Non Verbal Communication - COMM 1217 - 3 credits
Public Speaking - COMM 1230 - 3 credits
Introduction to Corrections - CORR 1001 - 3 credits
Criminal Justice
Intro to Criminal Justice - CRIM 1600 - 3 credits
Criminal Law - CRIM 1614 - 3 credits
Introduction to Corrections - CRIM 1651 - 3 credits
Juvenile Offender - CRIM 1687 - 3 credits
Dietary Manager
Sanitation & Mgmt of Food Serv - DIET 1630 - 3 credits
Fielld Exp Sani & Mgt of Food Sys - DIET 1633 - 3 credits
Principles of Macroeconomics - ECON 1610 - 3 credits
Principles of Microeconomics - ECON 1612 - 3 credits
Personal Finance - ECON 1615 - 3 credits
Student Success - EDUC 1103 - 3 credits
Children's Literature - EDUC 1136 - 3 credits
Emergency Management - Homeland Security
Developing & Managing Volunteer Resources - EMHS 1905 - 3 credits
Hazardous Materials Awareness/Operations - EMHS 1907 - 3 credits
Basic Incident Command System - EMHS 1952 - 3 credits
Introduction to Emergency Management - EMHS 1963 - 3 credits
Integrated Reading and Writing - ENGL 1195 - 3 credits
English Composition I - ENGL 1204 - 3 credits
Technical and Report Writing - ENGL 1205 - 3 credits
English Composition II - ENGL 1206 - 3 credits
Technical Communications - ENGL 1236 - 3 credits
Family and Consumer Science
Basic Nutrition - HOME 1501 - 3 credits
Foreign Language
Elementary German I - LANG 1900 - 5 credits
Elementary German II - LANG 1902 - 5 credits
Elementary Spanish I - LANG 1908 - 5 credits
Conversational Spanish - LANG 1909 - 3 credits
Elementary Spanish II - LANG 1910 - 5 credits
Elementary French I - LANG 1914 - 5 credits
Elementary French II - LANG 1916 - 5 credits
World & Regional Geography - GEOG 1819 - 3 credits
Graphic Design
Multimedia Presentations - GRPH 1048 - 3 credits
Digital Video Editing - GRPH 1065 - 3 credits
American History to 1877 - HIST 1400 - 3 credits
American History 1877-Present - HIST 1402 - 3 credits
American West - HIST 1404 - 3 credits
Western Civilization to 1500 - HIST 1408 - 3 credits
Western Civilization 1500-Pres - HIST 1410 - 3 credits
Women & The American Experience - HIST 1425 - 3 credits
Military Hist/Amer Civil War - HIST 1461 - 3 credits
Military Hist/Second World War - HIST 1463 - 3 credits
Lifetime Fitness & Wellness - HLTH 1247 - 2 credits
Personal & Community Health - HLTH 1248 - 3 credits
Hazardous Materials
Sampling and Monitoring - HZMT 1905 - 3 credits
Clean Air and Water Quality Regulations - HZMT 1909 - 3 credits
Industrial Hygiene/Toxicology - HZMT 1912 - 3 credits
Introduction Ergonomics - HZMT 1940 - 3 credits
Intro to Literature - LITR 1210 - 3 credits
American Literature - LITR 1216 - 3 credits
Introduction to Leadership Concepts - LEAD 1000 - 3 credits
Life Sciences
Principles of Biology - LIFE 1402 - 5 credits
Anatomy & Physiology I - LIFE 1407 - 4 credits
Anatomy & Physiology II - LIFE 1409 - 4 credits
Anat/Physiol-PreHospit Provide - LIFE 1411 - 4 credits
Environmental Science Lecture - LIFE 1413 - 3 credits *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in LIFE 1413 credits and LIFE 1414
Environmental Science Lab - LIFE 1414 - 2 credits *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in LIFE 1413 credits and LIFE 1414
BASIC Applied Mathematics - MATH 1809 - 3 credits
Intermediate Algebra - MATH 1824 - 3 credits
College Algebra - MATH 1828 - 3 credits
Trigonometry - MATH 1830 - 3 credits
Business Calculus - MATH 1831 - 3 credits
Math for the PreHospital Provd - MATH 1853 - 3 credits
Medical Assistant
Basic Medical Lab Techniques - MDAS 1644 - 3 credits
Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare - MDAS 1657 - 3 credits
Medical Terminology - MDAS 1672 - 3 credits
Medical Coding I - MDAS 1673 - 3 credits
Medical Coding II - MDAS 1674 - 3 credits
Medical Coding III - MDAS 1675 - 4 credits
Basic Pharmacology - MDAS 1680 - 3 credits
Medical Assistant
Principles of Phlebotomy - MLTC 1503 - 3 credits
Introduction to Music - MUSI 1002 - 3 credits
Introduction to Networking - NTWK 1032 - 3 credits
Networking I - NTWK 1034 - 3 credits
Local Area Networking - NTWK 1046 - 3 credits
Computer Repair II - NTWK 1053 - 3 credits
Computer Forensics and Investigations - NTWK 1054 - 3 credits
Linux II - NTWK 1061 - 3 credits
Help Desk Fundamentals - NTWK 1068 - 3 credits
Network Security I - NTWK 1070 - 3 credits
Network Security II - NTWK 1071 - 3 credits
Ethical Hacking - NTWK 1074 - 3 credits
Windows Server II - NTWK 1086 - 3 credits
Office Technology
Business Administration Procedures - OFTC 1621 - 3 credits
Ten Key Mastery - OFTC 1650 - 1 credit
Occupational Safety & Health
Fundamentals of Occupational Safety & Health Const Ind - OSH 1927 - 3 credits
Introduction to Fire Prevention - OSH 1929 - 3 credits
Safety Training Methods for Adult Learners - OSH 1931 - 3 credits
Work Practices Controls/Safety Audits - OSH 1932 - 3 credits
Physical Education
Intro to Health-PE-Recreation - PHED 1242 - 3 credits
Psychology of Sport - PHED 1256 - 2 credits
Intro to Exercise Science - PHED 1270 - 3 credits
Physical Fitness I - PHED 1321 - 1 credit
Introduction to Philosophy - PHIL 1602 - 3 credits
Ethics - PHIL 1604 - 3 credits
Orientation to Pharmacy Tech - PHRM 1000 - 3 credits
Pharmacology - PHRM 1001 - 3 credits
Pharmacy Operations - PHRM 1003 - 3 credits
Pharmacy Technician Topics - PHRM 1004 - 1 credits
Physical Science
Physical Geography Lecture - PHSC 1404 - 3 credits *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in PHSC 1404 and PHSC 1405
Physical Geography Lab - PHSC 1405 - 1 credit *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in PHSC 1404 and PHSC 1405
Intro to Meteorology - PHSC 1406 - 4 credits
Astronomy - PHSC 1408 - 5 credits
Political Science
Government of United States - POLS 1800 - 3 credits
Intro to Political Science - POLS 1801 - 3 credits
International Relations - POLS 1804 - 3 credits
State & Local Government - POLS 1828 - 3 credits
General Psychology - PSYC 1000 - 3 credits
Abnormal Psychology - PSYC 1006 - 3 credits
Introduction to Counseling - PSYC 1012 - 3 credits
Developmental Psychology - PSYC 1014 - 3 credits
Social Psychology - PSYC 1016 - 3 credits
Psychology Grief & Separation - PSYC 1026 - 1 credit
Coping with Stress - PSYC 1027 - 3 credits
Psychology of Serial Killers - PSYC 1033 - 3 credits
Death & Dying - PSYC 1130 - 3 credits
Quantitative Mathematics
Contemporary Math - QMAT 1828 - 3 credits
New Testament Gospels - RELI 1301 - 3 credits
Introduction to Sociology - SOCI 1100 - 3 credits
Marriage & Family - SOCI 1102 - 3 credits
Contemporary Social Problems - SOCI 1104 - 3 credits
Intro to Social Work - SOCI 1106 - 3 credits
Human Sexuality - SOCI 1114 - 3 credits
Cross Cultural Awareness - SOCI 1129 - 3 credits
Women in Society - SOCI 1138 - 3 credits
Elements of Statistics - STAT 1829 - 3 credits
Business & Economics Statistics II - STAT 1845 - 3 credits
Blueprint Reading - Welding - WELD 1353 - 3 credits