The following courses are available for Fall 2024 Session 2 (August 19 - December 8):
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
General Accounting - ACCT 1602 - 3 credits
Accounting-Business Operations - ACCT 1640 - 3 credits
Accounting-Invest & Financing - ACCT 1641 - 3 credits
Agriculture in our Society - AGRI 1100 - 3 credits
Animal Science - AGRI 1106 - 3 credits
Cultural Anthropology - ANTH 1816 - 3 credits
Private Pilot Ground School - AVIA 1410
Business Technology
Computer Concepts & Appl - BSTC 1036 - 3 credits
Fundamentals of Chemistry - CHEM 1802 - 5 credits
Elementary Organic Chemistry - CHEM 1804 - 5 credits
College Chemistry I - CHEM 1806 - 5 credits
College Chemistry II - CHEM 1808 - 5 credits
Organic Chemistry I - CHEM 1814 - 5 credits
Child Care & Guidance
Child Care Practicum - CHLD 1506 - 3 credits
Interpersonal Communication - COMM 1200 - 3 credits
Public Speaking - COMM 1230 - 3 credits
Computer Programming
Foundation of Computer Science - PRGM 1007 - 3 credits
Java Programming - PRGM 1030 - 3 credits
Web Programming - PRGM 1033 - 3 credits
Computer Science I - PRGM 1037 - 4 credits
Computer Science II - PRGM 1038 - 3 credits
Object-Oriented Programming - PRGM 1039 - 3 credits
Dietary Manager
Nutrition Therapy - DIET 1631 - 2 credits
Human Resource Management - DIET 1632 - 3 credits
Field Experience in Nutrition - DIET 1634 - 3 credits
Fld Exp in Human Resources Mgt - DIET 1635 - 2 credits
Principles of Macroeconomics - ECON 1610 - 3 credits
Principles of Microeconomics - ECON 1612 - 3 credits
Student Success - EDUC 1103 - 3 credits
Foundations of Modern Education - EDUC 1128 - 3 credits
Education Field Experience - EDUC 1134 - 2 credits
Introduction to Instructional Technology - EDUC 1142 - 3 credits
Business English - ENGL 1200 - 3 credits
English Composition I - ENGL 1204 - 3 credits
English Composition II - ENGL 1206 - 3 credits
Creative Writing - ENGL 1216 - 3 credits
Technical Communications - ENGL 1236 - 3 credits
Family and Consumer Science
Basic Nutrition - HOME 1501 - 3 credits
Foreign Language
Elementary Spanish I - LANG 1908 - 5 credits
Elementary Spanish II - LANG 1910 - 5 credits
American History to 1877 - HIST 1400 - 3 credits
American History 1877-Present - HIST 1402 - 3 credits
Hist & Phil Western cul to1500 - HIST 1409 - 3 credits
Hist&Phil West Cul 1500 - Pres - HIST 1411 - 3 credits
American Military History - HIST 1416 - 3 credits
Personal & Community Health - HLTH 1248 - 3 credits
Life Sciences
Principles of Biology - LIFE 1402 - 5 credits
Principles of Botany - LIFE 1406 - 5 credits
Anatomy & Physiology I - LIFE 1407 - 4 credits
Anatomy & Physiology - LIFE 1408 - 5 credits
Anatomy & Physiology II - LIFE 1409 - 4 credits
Principles of Zoology - LIFE 1410 - 5 credits
Principles of Microbiology - LIFE 1412 - 5 credits
Environmental Science w/lab - LIFE 1413 - 3 credits *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in LIFE 1413 and LIFE 1414
Environmental Science Lab - LIFE 1414 - 2 credits *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in LIFE 1413 and LIFE 1414
Pathophysiology - LIFE 1422 - 4 credits
Intro to Drama - LITR 1228 - 3 credits
Basic Algebra - MATH 1821 - 3 credits
Intermediate Algebra - MATH 1824 - 3 credits
College Algebra (5 credits) - MATH 1826 - 5 credits
College Algebra - MATH 1828 - 3 credits
Analytic Geometry - Calculus I - MATH 1832 - 5 credits
Analytic Geometry - Calculus II - MATH 1834 - 5 credits
Medical Assistant
AdvancedMedical Coding - MDAS 1642 - 2 credits
Patient Care I - MDAS 1652 - 4 credits
Patient Care II - MDAS 1653 - 4 credits
Medical Administrative Aspects - MDAS 1655 - 4 credits
Medical Terminology - MDAS 1672 - 3 credits
Medical Lab Technician
MLT Urin,Body Fl - MLTC 1500 - 3 credits
MLT Hematology & Coagulation - MLTC 1502 - 6 credits
MLT Clinical Chemistry - MLTC 1504 - 6 credits
MLT Pathogenic Microbiology - MLTC 1505 - 6 credits
Human Parasitology/Mycology/Mycobacterium - MLTC 1506 - 3 credits
Immunohematology - MLTC 1508 - 6 credits
MLT Immunology - MLTC 1509 - 3 credits
Introduction to Music - MUSI 1002 - 3 credits
Physical Education
Elementary Health & Phys Educa - PHED 1244 - 3 credits
Introduction to Philosophy - PHIL 1602 - 3 credits
Orientation to Pharmacy Tech - PHRM 1000 - 3 credits
Pharmacology - PHRM 1001 - 3 credits
Pharmacy Calculations - PHRM 1002 - 3 credits
Pharmacy Operations - PHRM 1003 - 3 credits
Pharmacy Technician Internship - PHRM 1005 - 4 credits
Advanced Pharmacy Operations - PHRM 1006 - 3 credits
Physics I - PHYS 1600 - 5 credits
Physics II - PHYS 1602 - 5 credits
Engineering Physics I - PHYS 1604 - 5 credits
Engineering Physics II - PHYS 1606 - 5 credits
Political Science
State & Local Government - POLS 1828 - 3 credits
General Psychology - PSYC 1000 - 3 credits
Abnormal Psychology - PSYC 1006 - 3 credits
Developmental Psychology - PSYC 1014 - 3 credits
Introduction to Sociology - SOCI 1100 - 3 credits
Marriage & Family - SOCI 1102 - 3 credits
Elements of Statistics - STAT 1829 - 3 credits
Elements of Statistics (4 credit) - STAT 1833 - 4 credits
Business & Economics Statistics II - STAT 1845 - 3 credits