Barton is obligated to verify prerequisite eligibility for all courses requiring a prerequisite. Prerequisite documentation is required for all students, regardless of their degree-seeking status with Barton.
Prerequisite documentation may include unofficial transcripts, student progress reports, or test scores that are less than five years old. Accuplacer placement testing may be available for courses with an English and/or Math prerequisite. For placement testing information, please visit the Placement Testing webpage.
To see courses with prerequisites please view the Course Search webpage. (This link will redirect you to the main Barton website.)
Students without prerequisite documentation on file will not be allowed to enroll in the course(s) at the time of enrollment. Students will receive a Prerequisite Error message at the time of enrollment, which will direct them instructions on how to proceed with submitting proof of prerequisite or to information regarding the online Accuplacer exam. If you are needing to submit documentation or you have questions regarding the prerequisite please email prereq@bartonccc.edu.
For more information or questions about the Barton Online Prerequisite Policy, contact prereq@bartonccc.edu.
Prior College Coursework
Some college level coursework may be considered to meet prerequisite requirements. These courses must be college level and passed with a grade of C or higher. Determination will be made upon review of a college transcript. For placement purposes, unofficial transcripts may be emailed to prereq@bartonccc.edu
Within this email please include the following information:
- Please indicate "Prior College Coursework" or something similar in the subject line of your email.
- Barton student ID
- Full name
- Date of Birth
- Email Address
- Primary campus
- Phone number
- Course for which you are submitting prerequisite information
- Course start date/session/semester in which you plan to enroll
To ensure we receive the email, please be sure to include a subject line such as "Prior College Coursework".
Prerequisite Policy Deadline Dates
Prerequisite polices deadlines can be viewed in the session schedules.
Students that fail to submit proper prerequisite documents or successful Accuplacer scores by midnight (CST) on the 1st Monday of the session, will not be allowed to enroll in their prerequisite course(s) for the selected session.
Enrollment in Two Courses Where One is a Prerequisite For The Other
(EXAMPLE: Enrolling now in English Composition I for an earlier session and English Composition II in a subsequent session)
Students wishing to enroll at the same time for courses where the first course is a prerequisite for the second course will need to contact Barton personnel for enrollment into the later course. If, at the completion of the first course, the final grade does not meet the prerequisite requirement for the subsequent course, the enrollment will be dropped by Barton. For assistance, please email prereq@bartonccc.edu
- Within this email please include the following information:
- Please indicate "Subsequent Course" or something similar in the subject line of your email.
- Barton student ID
- Full name
- Date of Birth
- Email Address
- Primary campus
- Phone number
- Course for which you are submitting prerequisite information
- Course start date/session/semester in which you plan to enroll
- To ensure we receive the email, please be sure to include a subject line such as "Subsequent Course".