Bart hangs out with a student on campus

Frequently Asked Questions

If the answer to your question is not found below, please contact us by phone or email: 

Respondus technical issues?
Respondus technical issues?

For Respondus technical issues please see the following resources:

If you need additional support with Repsondus, please submit a support ticket

How to take an online course?
How to take an online course?


  • To apply, visit HERE and begin with step 1. 

    • This will walk you through enrolling and then creating an online account. 

    • Once the application has been submitted, an email will be sent stating the account is in review. 

    • After 24 – 48 hours, a second email with a Barton ID number and login credentials should be received.  Note: Check the spam folder if not received in a timely manner. 

  • To enroll in a course please follow along with the Enroll in a Course video. 

    • If there is a prerequisite error: 

      • Email unofficial transcripts to:

      • Add the following information:  Barton ID, first and last name, class and session.

  • To request an Accuplacer placement test voucher, please complete the form found HERE.

  • Tuition for an online course is $155 per credit hour regardless your location. 

  • Barton Online Bookstore - Additional course materials can be purchased through the online bookstore.


USA military and families - how to take courses at Barton?
USA military and families - how to take courses at Barton?

Barton Community College is proud to be a military friendly school and is happy assist you with questions regarding tuition assistance, Veteran’s Benefits, military evaluations, and more. Please visit the Military Options webpage for more information.


Barton Fort Riley Campus
Building 211, Room 211
Fort Riley, KS 66442
(785) 784-6606 


Barton Fort Leavenworth Campus
Army Ed. Building, Room 4
120 Dickman Ave
Fort Leavenworth KS 66027
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3396
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027
(855) 509-3374 • (913) 684-9384
Hours: M-Th 8am-5pm, F 8am-4pm


Barton Grandview Plaza Campus
100 Continental Drive
Grandview Plaza, KS 66441
1 (866) 771-0255  |  (785) 238-8550

Where to find information as a high school student?
Where to find information as a high school student?

Please visit Admissions Policy to view information on admissions for High School student. You can also visit the Excel in CTE Initiative (SB155) page to find information on courses available for High School Students.

What are the calendar dates to enroll, pay, drop courses, and receive refunds?
What are the calendar dates to enroll, pay, drop courses, and receive refunds?


  • Academic Calendar
    • Enrollment deadline 
    • Drop dates 
      • With a refund
      • Without a refund
      • With a "W" on transcript
    • Payment due deadline
  • Attendance Policy
    • Paying for classes
    • Tuition refund 
    • How to drop a course
      • Student who drop an online course during the first seven calendar days of a course will receive a 100% refund.
    • Non-Activity/Attendance policy


What type of classes does Barton offer?
What type of classes does Barton offer?
  • Barton Online
    • No scheduled meeting time or zoom component.
  • Face to Face
    • Traditional face-to-face class with a scheduled meeting time within the same physical space (social distancing and safety guidelines will be followed). 
  • Live Online
    • Scheduled meeting time; all students participating via zoom.
  • Fuzion (Hybrid)
    • Scheduled meeting time; students meeting both in-person and via zoom depending on student preference.


What is the tuition rate?
What is the tuition rate?

Barton Online's cost per credit hour is $160 per semester credit hour for all students (regardless of state residency). Please note, some courses may require additional fees, such as Medical Lab Technician courses.

Beginning in Fall 2025 tuition will be $165 per semester credit hour for all students (regardless of state residency). 

Please review the course information to see if there are additional expenses in the interactive course search.

Please visit the Cost per Credit Hour page for more information on tuition rates. 

Where to order textbooks, access codes, or digital eBooks?
Where to order textbooks, access codes, or digital eBooks?

To determine what textbooks are required for your courses and to purchase them, please visit the Barton Online Bookstore hosted by eCampus.

Visit Bookstore Voucher Information to learn more about financial assistance with textbook orders. 

If there is a delay or a missing order, please contact: 

Barton Online Bookstore Customer Service

Mon. to Fri. - 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. ET
Sat. and Sun. - 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET (chat and email only)
(859) 209-6958

Live chat/Email 

What technology specifications are needed for an online course?
What technology specifications are needed for an online course?

Some online courses may require additional technologies in addition to the Canvas LMS.

For information on course specific technologies, please reach out to your instructor. 

What computer specifications is needed for an online class?
What computer specifications is needed for an online class?

Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 and newer
  • Mac OSX 10.6 and newer
  • Linux - chromeOS

Mobile Operating System Native App Support

  • Android apps require version 5.0 or later
  • iOS apps require version 11 or later.
  • All Android and iOS both support the two most recent versions
    of their respective operating systems.

Computer Speed and Processor

  • Use a computer 5 years old or newer when possible
  • 1GB of RAM
  • 2GHz processor

Internet Speed

  • Along with compatibility and web standards,
    Canvas has been carefully crafted to accommodate low bandwidth environments.
  • Minimum of 512kbps

Screen Readers

  • Macintosh: VoiceOver (latest version for Safari)
  • PC: JAWS (latest version for Internet Explorer)
  • PC: NVDA (latest version for Firefox)
  • There is no screen reader support for Canvas in Chrome

List of Currently Supported Browsers and Security Settings


Transcripts and Syllabi - how to have access, send, transfer or receive?
Transcripts and Syllabi - how to have access, send, transfer or receive?

Please visit the Transcripts webpage to learn how to:

  • Request official transcripts to be sent to another school
  • Learn how to access unofficial transcripts
  • Send transcripts to Barton
  • To transfer credits to another school, visit Transferability or contact an academic advisor at
    • Visit Concourse syllabus management system to find a Barton Online syllabus. To search for a specific course quickly, use the +Advanced Search feature to filter to narrow down the course, semester, and instructor.


What is Barton Online's prerequisite policy?
What is Barton Online's prerequisite policy?

Barton Online is obligated to verify prerequisite eligibility for all courses requiring a prerequisite. Prerequisite documentation is required for ALL students, regardless of their degree-seeking status with Barton. For more information regarding the policy and prerequisite deadlines, please view the Prerequisite Policy page.

Trouble logging into the MyBarton Portal
Trouble logging into the MyBarton Portal

If you having trouble logging into the MyBarton Portal please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Please clear all time of your history and cache in the browser you are using. 

Step 2: Then close the browser once finished.

Step: 3 Reopen the browser and go to and click on MyBarton on the right.

Step 4: Then click on MyBartonPortal

Step 5: Input your student email and password

If this does not work, please contact with the browser you are using and your student ID and date of birth for verification purposes. 

How to find more online student services?
How to find more online student services?

Barton Community College’s Student Services department offers a variety of services to students to guide them through their college experience. Student Services can assist you with topics such as Admissions, Apply for Graduation, Disability Services and more. Visit the Student Services webpage page to find out how Barton can help you!

Online tutoring: Tutoring services webpage

Placement testing: Request a voucher to take placement test

Disability Services: email:

Open Educational Resources

Online Proctoring - Examity Virtual Proctoring requirements 

How is Barton accredited?
How is Barton accredited?

Barton Community College is an accredited college. For more information on Barton’s accreditation, please visit the Accreditation webpage.

Using a mobile device?
Using a mobile device?

While some coursework may be completed on a mobile device, you are encouraged to also have access to a laptop or desktop computer to complete your course. If you do not have access to these options, please look for additional resources in your community such as a public library.  It is advised that you reach out to your instructor to learn if any type of technologies will be utilized throughout the course that would not be accessible via a mobile device.

Can you use the Canvas Student App to take a course?
Can you use the Canvas Student App to take a course?

Due to limited functionality on the Canvas Student App, it is not recommend as the sole means to access a course. Instead, it is recommend to login to your course using a web browser via the Canvas Course Access card in your My Barton Portal. 

How do I access Canvas using a mobile browser on my Android device?

How do I access Canvas using a mobile browser on my iOS device?