The following courses are available for Fall 2024 Session 3 (September 2 - October 13):
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Business Law I - BUSI 1608 - 3 credits
Business Technology
Computer Concepts & Appl - BSTC 1036 - 3 credits
Fundamentals of Chemistry - CHEM 1802 - 5 credits
College Chemistry I - CHEM 1806 - 5 credits
Interpersonal Communication - COMM 1200 - 3 credits
English Composition II - ENGL 1206 - 3 credits
Family and Consumer Science
Basic Nutrition - HOME 1501 - 3 credits
World & Regional Geography - GEOG 1819 - 3 credits
American History to 1877 - HIST 1400 - 3 credits
American History 1877-Present - HIST 1402 - 3 credits
History of Kansas - HIST 1406 - 3 credits
American Military History - HIST 1416 - 3 credits
Personal & Community Health - HLTH 1248 - 3 credits
Life Sciences
Anatomy & Physiology I - LIFE 1407 - 4 credits
Anatomy & Physiology II - LIFE 1409 - 4 credits
Environmental Science (lecture only) - LIFE 1413 - 3 credits
Intermediate Algebra - MATH 1824 - 3 credits
Business Calculus - MATH 1831 - 3 credits
Medical Assistant
Emergency Preparedness - MDAS 1646 - 1 credit
Introduction to Music - MUSI 1002 - 3 credits
Office Technology
Keyboarding II - OFTC 1603 - 3 credits
Political Science
Government of United States - POLS 1800 - 3 credits
General Psychology - PSYC 1000 - 3 credits
Developmental Psychology - PSYC 1014 - 3 credits
World Religions - RELI 1311 - 3 credits
Introduction to Sociology - SOCI 1100 - 3 credits
Marriage & Family - SOCI 1102 - 3 credits
Elements of Statistics - STAT 1829 - 3 credits
Business & Economics Statistics I - STAT 1840 - 3 credits