The following courses are available for Spring 2025 Session 2 (January 20 - May 11):
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
General Accounting - ACCT 1602 - 3 credits
Agriculture in our Society - AGRI 1100 - 3 credits
Animal Science - AGRI 1106 - 3 credits
Principles of Agricultural Economics - AGRI 1116 - 3 credits
Linguistic Anthropology - ANTH 1823 - 3 credits
Customer Service - BUSI 1807 - 3 credits
Business Technology
Introduction to Computers - BSTC 1001 - 3 credits
Computer Concepts & Appl - BSTC 1036 - 3 credits
Fundamentals of Chemistry - CHEM 1802 - 5 credits
Elementary Organic Chemistry - CHEM 1804 - 5 credits
College Chemistry I - CHEM 1806 - 5 credits
College Chemistry II - CHEM 1808 - 5 credits
Organic Chemistry I - CHEM 1814 - 5 credits
Organic Chemistry II - CHEM 1816 - 5 credits
Child Care & Guidance
Child Care Practicum - CHLD 1506 - 3 credits
Interpersonal Communication - COMM 1200 - 3 credits
Public Speaking - COMM 1230 - 3 credits
Computer Programming
Foundation of Computer Science - PRGM 1007 - 3 credits
Java Programming - PRGM 1030 - 3 credits
Web Programming - PRGM 1033 - 3 credits
Computer Science I - PRGM 1037 - 4 credits
Computer Science II - PRGM 1038 - 3 credits
Object - Oriented Programming - PRGM 1039 - 3 credits
Dietary Manager
Sanitation & Mgmt of Food Serv - DIET 1630 - 3 credits
Nutrition Therapy - DIET 1631 - 2 credits
Fld Exp Sani & Mgt of Food Sys - DIET 1633 - 3 credits
Field Experience in Nutrition - DIET 1634 - 3 credits
Principles of Macroeconomics - ECON 1610 - 3 credits
Principles of Microeconomics - ECON 1612 - 3 credits
Foundations of Modern Education - EDUC 1128 - 3 credits
Education Field Experience - EDUC 1134 - 2 credits
Introduction to Instructional Technology - EDUC 1142 - 3 credits
Business English - ENGL 1200 - 3 credits
English Composition I - ENGL 1204 - 3 credits
English Composition II - ENGL 1206 - 3 credits
Creative Writing - ENGL 1216 - 3 credits
Family and Consumer Science
Basic Nutrition - HOME 1501 - 3 credits
Foreign Language
Elementary Spanish I - LANG 1908 - 5 credits
Elementary Spanish II - LANG 1910 - 5 credits
American History to 1877 - HIST 1400 - 3 credits
American History 1877 - Present - HIST 1402 - 3 credits
Hist & Phil Western cul to1500 - HIST 1409 - 3 credits
Hist&Phil West Cul 1500 - Pres - HIST 1411 - 3 credits
Life Sciences
Principles of Biology - LIFE 1402 - 5 credits
Principles of Botany - LIFE 1406 - 5 credits
Anatomy & Physiology I - LIFE 1407 - 4 credits
Anatomy & Physiology - LIFE 1408 - 5 credits
Anatomy & Physiology II - LIFE 1409 - 4 credits
Principles of Zoology - LIFE 1410 - 5 credits
Principles of Microbiology - LIFE 1412 - 5 credits
Environmental Science Lecture - LIFE 1413 - 3 credits *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in LIFE 1413 and LIFE 1414
Environmental Science Lab - LIFE 1414 - 2 credits *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in LIFE 1413 and LIFE 1414
Pathophysiology - LIFE 1422 - 4 credits
American Literature - LITR 1216 - 3 credits
Intro to Drama - LITR 1228 - 3 credits
BASIC Applied Mathematics - MATH 1809 - 3 credits
Basic Algebra - MATH 1821 - 3 credits
Intermediate Algebra - MATH 1824 - 3 credits
College Algebra (5 credits) - MATH 1826 - 5 credits
College Algebra - MATH 1828 - 3 credits
Analytic Geometry - Calculus I - MATH 1832 - 5 credits
Analytic Geometry - Calculus II - MATH 1834 - 5 credits
Medical Assistant
Advanced Medical Coding Operations - MDAS 1642 - 2 credits
Patient Care I - MDAS 1652 - 4 credits
Patient Care II - MDAS 1653 - 4 credits
Medical Administrative Aspects - MDAS 1655 - 4 credits
Medical Terminology - MDAS 1672 - 3 credits
Medical Lab Technician
*Permission is required to enroll in any MLTC courses except MLTC 1506 and MLTC 1509. If you would like to enroll in any other MLTC course, please speak to your Academic Advisor.
MLT Urin, Body Fl - MLTC 1500 - 3 credits
MLT Hematology & Coagulation - MLTC 1502 - 6 credits
Principles of Phlebotomy - MLTC 1503 - 3 credits
MLT Clinical Chemistry - MLTC 1504 - 6 credits
MLT Pathogenic Microbiology - MLTC 1505 - 6 credits
Clinical Microbiology II - MLTC 1506 - 3 credits
Immunohematology - MLTC 1508 - 6 credits
MLT Immunology - MLTC 1509 - 3 credits
MLT Clinical Lab Operations - MLTC 1513 - 2 credits
Introduction to Music - MUSI 1002 - 3 credits
Ethical Hacking - NTWK 1074 - 3 credits
Physical Education
Elementary Health & Phys Educa - PHED 1244 - 3 credits
Introduction to Philosophy - PHIL 1602 - 3 credits
Orientation to Pharmacy Tech - PHRM 1000 - 3 credits
Pharmacology - PHRM 1001 - 3 credits
Pharmacy Calculations - PHRM 1002 - 3 credits
Pharmacy Operations - PHRM 1003 - 3 credits
Pharmacy Technician Internship - PHRM 1005 - 4 credits
Advanced Pharmacy Operations - PHRM 1006 - 3 credits
Physics I - PHYS 1600 - 5 credits
Physics II - PHYS 1602 - 5 credits
Engineering Physics I - PHYS 1604 - 5 credits
Engineering Physics II - PHYS 1606 - 5 credits
General Psychology - PSYC 1000 - 3 credits
Abnormal Psychology - PSYC 1006 - 3 credits
Developmental Psychology - PSYC 1014 - 3 credits
Introduction to Sociology - SOCI 1100 - 3 credits
Marriage & Family - SOCI 1102 - 3 credits
Elements of Statistics - STAT 1829 - 3 credits
Elements of Statistics (4 credit) - STAT 1833 - 4 credits
Business & Economics Statistics II - STAT 1845 - 3 credits