The following courses are available for Spring 2025 Session 1 (January 20 - March 16):
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Microcomputer Acct Applications - ACCT 1611 - 3 credits
Accounting I - ACCT 1614 - 3 credits
Accounting-Business Operations - ACCT 1640 - 3 credits
CDL Theory - AGRI 1217 - 3 credits
Cultural Anthropology - ANTH 1816 - 3 credits
Art Appreciation - ARTS 1200 - 3 credits
Digital Photography I - ARTS 1246 - 3 credits
Introduction to Business - BUSI 1600 - 3 credits
Business Ethics - BUSI 1607 - 3 credits
Business Communications - BUSI 1800 - 3 credits
Principles of Management - BUSI 1803 - 3 credits
Customer Service - BUSI 1807 - 3 credits
Introduction to Entrepreneurship - BUSI 1815 - 3 credits
Business Technology
Computer Concepts & Applications - BSTC 1036 - 3 credits
Fundamentals of Chemistry - CHEM 1802 - 5 credits
College Chemistry I - CHEM 1806 - 5 credits
College Chemistry II - CHEM 1808 - 5 credits
Organic Chemistry I - CHEM 1814 - 5 credits
Fundamentals of Biochemistry - CHEM 1821 - 3 credits
Childhood & Guidance
Introduction to Early Childhood - 3 credits
Early Childhood Curriculum - CHLD 1504 - 3 credits
Creative Experiences for Children - CHLD 1553 - 3 credits
Social Emotional Development in Infants and Toddlers - CHLD 1560 - 3 credits
Interpersonal Communications - COMM 1200 - 3 credits
Non Verbal Communication - COMM 1217 - 3 credits
Organizational Communication - COMM 1220 - 3 credits
Public Speaking - COMM 1230 - 3 credits
Introduction to Corrections - CORR 1001 - 3 credits
Criminal Justice
Intro to Criminal Justice - CRIM 1600 - 3 credits
Criminal Investigation I - CRIM 1612 - 3 credits
Criminal Law - CRIM 1614 - 3 credits
Law Enforcement Ops and Procedures - CRIM 1648 - 3 credits
Juvenile Offender - CRIM 1687 - 3 credits
Principles of Macroeconomics - ECON 1610 - 3 credits
Principles of Microeconomics - ECON 1612 - 3 credits
Personal Finance - ECON 1615 - 3 credits
Student Success - EDUC 1103 - 3 credits
Children's Literature - EDUC 1136 - 3 credits
Emergency Management - Homeland Security
Introduction to Terrorism - EMHS 1100 - 3 credits
Emergency Planning - EMHS 1900 - 3 credits
Exercise Design, Management & Evaluation - EMHS 1906 - 3 credits
Mitigation for Emergency Management - EMHS 1908 - 3 credits
Basic Skills in Emergency Program Manager - EMHS 1909 - 3 credits
Emergency Management Seminar - EMHS 1910 - 3 credits
Integrated Reading & Writing - ENGL 1195 - 3 credits
Business English - ENGL 1200 - 3 credits
English Composition I - ENGL 1204 - 3 credits
English Composition II - ENGL 1206 - 3 credits
Family and Consumer Science
Basic Nutrition - HOME 1501 - 3 credits
Foreign Language
Elementary German I - LANG 1900 - 5 credits
Elementary Spanish I - LANG 1908 - 5 credits
Elementary Spanish II - LANG 1910 - 5 credits
Elementary French I - LANG 1914 - 5 credits
Graphic Design
Digital Image Editing - GRPH 1054 - 3 credits
American History to 1877 - HIST 1400 - 3 credits
American History 1877 - Present - HIST 1402 - 3 credits
History of Kansas - HIST 1406 - 3 credits
Western Civilization to 1500 - HIST 1408 - 3 credits
Western Civilization 1500 - Pres - HIST 1410 - 3 credits
American Military History - HIST 1416 - 3 credits
Lifetime Fitness & Wellness - HLTH 1247 - 2 credits
Personal & Community Health - HLTH 1248 - 3 credits
Hazardous Materials
Introduction to Environmental Management - HZMT 1903 - 3 credits
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCA) - HZMT 1907 - 3 credits
Dept. of Transportation Regs - HZMT 1917 - 3 credits
Characteristics of Haz Mat - HZMT 1950 - 3 credits
Continuity of Operations Planning - HZMT 1979 - 3 credits
Life Sciences
Principles of Biology - LIFE 1402 - 5 credits
Anatomy & Physiology I - LIFE 1407 - 4 credits
Anatomy & Physiology II - LIFE 1409 - 4 credits
Anat/Physiol - PreHospit Provide - LIFE 1411 - 4 credits
Environmental Science Lecture - LIFE 1413 - 3 credits *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in LIFE 1413 and LIFE 1414
Environmental Science Lab - LIFE 1414 - 2 credits *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in LIFE 1413 and LIFE 1414
Intro to Literature - LITR 1210 - 3 credits
Technical Mathematics - MATH 1806 - 3 credits
BASIC Applied Mathematics - MATH 1809 - 3 credits
Business Mathematics - MATH 1819 - 3 credits
Intermediate Algebra - MATH 1824 - 3 credits
College Algebra - MATH 1828 - 3 credits
Trigonometry - MATH 1830 - 3 credits
Business Calculus - MATH 1831 - 3 credits
Math for the PreHospital Provd - MATH 1853 - 3 credits
Medical Assistant
Basic Medical Lab Techniques - MDAS 1644 - 3 credits
Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare - MDAS 1657 - 3 credits
Medical Terminology - MDAS 1672 - 3 credits
Medical Coding I - MDAS 1673 - 3 credits
Medical Coding II - MDAS 1674 - 3 credits
Medical Coding III - MDAS 1675 - 4 credits
Medical Terminology for Non - Healthcare - MDAS 1682 - 1 credits
Medical Lab Technician
*Permission is required to enroll in any MLTC courses except MLTC 1506 and MLTC 1509. If you would like to enroll in any other MLTC course, please speak to your Academic Advisor.
Principles of Phlebotomy - MLTC 1503 - 3 credits
Introduction to Music - MUSI 1002 - 3 credits
Linux I - NTWK 1030 - 3 credits
Introduction to Networking - NTWK 1032 - 3 credits
Networking I - NTWK 1034 - 3 credits
Computer Repair I - NTWK 1052 - 3 credits
Network Security I - NTWK 1070 - 3 credits
Information Security - NTWK 1072 - 3 credits
Windows Server I - NTWK 1085 - 3 credits
Windows Server II - NTWK 1086 - 3 credits
Office Technology
Keyboarding I - OFTC 1601 - 3 credits
Word Processing Applications - OFTC 1696 - 3 credits
Occupational Safety & Health
Fundamentals of OSHA General Industry - OSH 1928 - 3 credits
Practicum in Occupational Safety & Health - OSH 1930 - 3 credits
Workplace Accident Investigation - OSH 1933 - 3 credits
Physical Education
Intro to Health PE Recreation - PHED 1242 - 3 credits
Psychology of Sport - PHED 1256 - 2 credits
Physical Fitness I - PHED 1321 - 1 credits
Introduction to Philosophy - PHIL 1602 - 3 credits
Ethics - PHIL 1604 - 3 credits
Reason & Argument - PHIL 1605 - 3 credits
Pharmacology - PHRM 1001 - 3 credits
Physical Science
Physical Geography Lecture - PHSC 1404 - 3 credits *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in PHSC 1404 and PHSC 1405
Physical Geography Lab - PHSC 1405 - 1 credit *to get credit for lab and lecture students need to enroll in PHSC 1404 and PHSC 1405
Meteorology - PHSC 1406 - 3 credits
Astronomy - PHSC 1408 - 5 credits
Political Science
Government of United States - POLS 1800 - 3 credits
General Psychology - PSYC 1000 - 3 credits
Abnormal Psychology - PSYC 1006 - 3 credits
Introduction to Counseling - PSYC 1012 - 3 credits
Developmental Psychology - PSYC 1014 - 3 credits
Social Psychology - PSYC 1016 - 3 credits
Coping with Stress - PSYC 1027 - 3 credits
Psychology of Serial Killers - PSYC 1033 - 3 credits
Death & Dying - PSYC 1130 - 3 credits
Quantitative Mathematics
Contemporary Math - QMAT 1828 - 3 credits
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament - RELI 1305 - 3 credits
Introduction to Sociology - SOCI 1100 - 3 credits
Marriage & Family - SOCI 1102 - 3 credits
Contemporary Social Problems - SOCI 1104 - 3 credits
Juvenile Delinquency/Justice - SOCI 1110 - 3 credits
Human Sexuality - SOCI 1114 - 3 credits
Cross Cultural Awareness - SOCI 1129 - 3 credits
Parenting - SOCI 1145 - 3 credits
Elements of Statistics - STAT 1829 - 3 credits
Business & Economics Statistics I - STAT 1840 - 3 credits
Introduction to Theatre - THEA 1300 - 3 credits