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OER (Open Educational Resources)

Save money on textbooks and obtain immediate access to course materials 

What is OER?

Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the creative commons and/or public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their use and repurposing by others. OER may include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests…used to support access to knowledge. "OER Defined" by Larry Kramer, William & Flora Hewlett Foundation

How does this work?

No-Cost – No additional cost for course materials

Low-Cost - $50 or less for course materials

Open Textbook - Course uses an open textbook, but course materials are above the Low-Cost threshold

To enroll in a Barton Online OER course visit the How to Enroll in Online Courses page. 

Online OER Offerings

Spring 2025 Session 4
Spring 2025 Session 4


CHEM 1806 - College Chemistry I - Vadapally, Praveen - 20366
CHEM 1808 - College Chemistry II - Alliband, Amanda - 21977
CHEM 1821 - Fundamentals of Biochemistry - Meraban, Amir - 20862
EDUC 1135 - Educating Exceptional Students - Specht, Kim - 21230
HIST 1404 - American West - Balk, Janet - 20554
HIST 1461 - Military Hist/Amer Civil War - Buller, Daniel - 20515
HIST 1463 - Military Hist/Second World War - Buller, Daniel - 20699
MATH 1828 - College Algebra - Davied, Ange - 20280
MATH 1828 - College Algebra - Scott, Stephanie - 20322
MATH 1830 - Trigonometry - Scott, Stephanie - 20281
PHED 1270 - Intro to Exercise Science - Brooks, Carol - 20516
PSYC 1027 - Coping with Stress - Maser, Jakki - 20409
QMAT 1828 - Contemporary Math - Davied, Ange - 21133
SOCI 1114 - Human Sexuality - Konda, Kurt - 20973


ACCT 1602 - General Accounting - Jones, Andrea - 20362
ACCT 1614 - Accounting I - Jones, Andrea - 21124
ACCT 1618 - Managerial Accounting - Jones, Andrea - 20511
ANTH 1816 Cultural Anthropology Ball, Jeri 21629
ARTS 1200 - Art Appreciation - Morriss, Tera - 21159
BUSI 1600 - Introduction to Business -Heier, Deanna - 22049
BUSI 1805 - Marketing - Heier, Deanna - 20365
BUSI 1807 - Customer Service - Foley, Mary - 20406
CHLD 1505- Childhood Growth and Development - Bonnell, KellyAnn - 22101
CHLD 1551 - Infant and Toddler Education & Care - Connell, Matt - 20697
COMM 1230 - Public Speaking - Duncan, Alissa - 20371
COMM 1230 - Public Speaking - Dondanville, Kim - 20638
ECON 1610 - Principles of Macroeconomics - Bergan, Nicholas - 20494
ECON 1610 - Principles of Macroeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 20873
ECON 1612 - Principles of Microeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 20339
ECON 1615 - Personal Finance - Rothwell, Linda - 20829
EDUC 1103 - Student Success - Ball, Jeri - 20655
EDUC 1128 - Foundations of Modern Education - Davied, Ange - 20375
ENGL 1204 - English Composition I - Rigney, Melissa - 21126
ENGL 1204 - English Composition I - Vick, Michael - 21127
ENGL 1206 - English Composition II - Rigney, Melissa - 20378
ENGL 1236 - Technical Communications - Little, Karly - 20380
GEOG 1819 - World & Regional Geography - Butler, Jerry - 20381
GEOG 1819 - World & Regional Geography - Wilson, Sigismond - 22040
HIST 1400 - American History to 1877 - Buller, Daniel - 20382
HIST 1402 - American History 1877-Present - Kennedy, Ryan - 20383
HIST 1408 - Western Civilization to 1500 - Buller, Daniel - 20576
HLTH 1248 - Personal & Community Health - Brooks, Carol - 20385
HZMT 1909 - Clean Air and Water Quality Regulations - Hill, James - 20388
LANG 1900 - Elementary German I - Schottel, Stephanie - 20390
LANG 1902 - Elementary German II - Schottel, Stephanie - 20391
LIFE 1402 - Principles of Biology - Duncan, Annmarie - 20658
LIFE 1402 - Principles of Biology - Bernatis, Jenn - 21585
LIFE 1407 - Anatomy & Physiology I - Sabio, Darlene - 20396
LIFE 1407 - Anatomy & Physiology I - Welshans, Nicole - 20682
LIFE 1409 - Anatomy & Physiology II - Welshans, Nicole - 20685
LIFE 1409 - Anatomy & Physiology II - Wirth, Pam - 21081
LIFE 1409 - Anatomy & Physiology II Arnold, Celestial 21823
LITR 1210 - Intro to Literature - Rigney, Melissa - 20642
LITR 1216 - American Literature - Hardwick, Melissa - 20578
MUSI 1002 - Introduction to Music - Fryberger, Vern - 20400
PHIL 1602 - Introduction to Philosophy - Mack, John - 20403
PHSC 1404 - Physical Geography - Butler, Jerry - 20517
PHSC 1405 - Physical Geography Lab - Butler, Jerry - 20518
PHSC 1408 - Astronomy - Nardini, Cameron - 20679
POLS 1800 - Government of United States - Bergantz, Tish - 20288
POLS 1828 - State & Local Government - Bergantz, Tish - 20406
PSYC 1012 - Introduction to Counseling - Maser, Jakki - 20276
PSYC 1016 - Social Psychology - Knapp, Mark - 20407
PSYC 1026 - Psychology Grief & Separation - Smith, Samantha - 20408

Open Textbook

CHEM 1816 - Organic Chemistry II - Marshall, Karey - 20367

Spring 2025 Session 5
Spring 2025 Session 5


CHEM 1806 - College Chemistry I - Vadapally, Praveen - 20418
CHEM 1808 - College Chemistry II - Marshall, Karey - 20419
HIST 1465 - Military Hist/Vietnam War - Buller, Daniel - 21138


ANTH 1816 Cultural Anthropology Ball, Jeri 21628
ECON 1610 - Principles of Macroeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 20421
HIST 1400 - American History to 1877 - Buller, Daniel - 21137
HIST 1402 - American History 1877-Present - Kennedy, Ryan - 20425
HLTH 1248 - Personal & Community Health - Brooks, Carol - 20426
LIFE 1409 - Anatomy & Physiology II Arnold, Celestial 21823
MUSI 1002 - Introduction to Music - Fryberger, Vern - 20431
PHIL 1602 - Introduction to Philosophy - Mack, John - 20432
PHSC 1404 - Physical Geography - Butler, Jerry - 20433
PHSC 1405 - Physical Geography Lab - Butler, Jerry - 20519
STAT 1829 - Elements of Statistics - Harrington, Jo - 20440

Spring 2025 Intersession
Spring 2025 Intersession


BSTC 1036 - Computer Concepts & Appl - Heier, Deanna - 20705
ECON 1612 - Principles of Microeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 20444
GEOG 1819 - World & Regional Geography - Butler, Jerry - 20445
HIST 1402 - American History 1877-Present - Kennedy, Ryan - 20447
PHIL 1602 - Introduction to Philosophy - Mack, John - 20455
POLS 1800 - Government of United States - Bergantz, Tish - 20457
STAT 1829 - Elements of Statistics - Harrington, Jo - 20463
WELD 1348 - Introduction to Welding - Kuhlman, Morgan - 20975

Summer 2025 Session 1
Summer 2025 Session 1


ANTH 1816 - Cultural Anthropology - Ball, Jeri - 30502
BUSI 1600 - Introduction to Business - Heier, Deanna - 30105
ECON 1610 - Principles of Macroeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 30504
ECON 1612 - Principles of Microeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 30355
ECON 1612 - Principles of Microeconomics - Bergan, Nick - 30505
GEOR 1819 - World & Regional Geography - Wilson, Sigis - 30573
HIST 1402 - American History 1877 - Present - Kennedy, Ryan - 30079
HIST 1406 - History of Kansas - Ball, Jeri - 30506
LIFE 1402 - Principles of Biology - Bernatis, Jenn - 30508
LIFE 1407 - Anatomy & Physiology I - Sabio, Darlene - 30344
LIFE 1407 - Anatomy & Physiology I - Welshans, Nicole - 30509
LIFE 1409 - Anatomy & Physiology II - Welshans, Nicole - 30338
MUSI 1002 - Introduction to Music - Fryberger, Vern - 30090
PHIL 1602 - Introduction to Philosophy - Mack, John - 30514
POLS 1800 - Government of United States - Bergantz, Tish - 30092
PSYC 1000 - General Psychology - Knapp, Mark - 30094
PSYC 1026 - Psychology Grief & Separation - Smith, Smantha - 30229
STAT 1829 - Elements of Statistics - Harrington, Jo - 30103


CHEM 1802 - Fundamentals of Chemistry - Vadapally, Praveen - 30074
CHEM 1806 - College Chemistry I - Marshall, Karen - 30337
CHEM 1806 - College Chemistry I - Vadapally, Praveen - 30471
HIST 1460 - Military Hist/Amer Revolution - Buller, Daniel - 30190
MATH 1828 - College Algebra - Davied, Ange - 30345
MATH 1830 - Trigonometry - Scott, Paige - 30286
RELI 1311 - World Religions - Mack, John - 30563

Summer 2025 Extended Session
Summer 2025 Extended Session


COMM 1230 - Public Speaking - Dondanville, Kim - 30516
COMM 1230 - Public Speaking - Duncan, Alissa - 30231
EDUC 1103 - Student Success - Ball, Jeri - 30232
ENGL 1206 - English Composition II - Rigney, Melissa - 30515
ENGL 1209 - English Comp I w/ Review - Vick, Michael - 30517
GEOG 1819 - World & Regional Geography - Butler, Jerry - 30233
HIST 1400 - American History to 1877 - Buller, Daniel - 30203
HIST 1402 - American History 1877 - Present - Buller, Daniel - 30204
LIFE 1402 - Principles of Biology - Duncan, Annemarie - 30234
LIFE 1407 - Anatomy & Physiology I - Sabio, Darlene - 30236
LIFE 1407 - Anatomy & Physiology I - Welshans, Nicole - 30265
LIFE 1409 - Anatomy & Physiology II - Welshans, Nicole - 30266
LITR 1210 - Intro to Literature - Rigney, Melissa - 30540
PHIL 1602 - Introduction to Philosophy - Mack, John - 30519
PHSC 1404 - Physical Geography - Butler, Jerry - 30212
PHSC 1405 - Physical Geography Lab - Butler, Jerry - 30213
POLS 1800 - Government of United States - Bergantz, Tish - 30215
SOCIO 1100 - Introduction to Sociology - Archer, Emily - 30575 
STAT 1829 - Elements of Statistics - Harrington, Jo - 30219
STAT 1833 - Elements of Statistics (4 cr) - Harrington, Jo - 30521


CHEM 1802 - Fundamentals of Chemistry - Vadapally, Praveen - 30197
CHEM 1806 - College Chemistry I - Alliband, Amanda - 30198
MATH 1828 - College Algebra - Daivied, Ange - 30209
QMAT 1826 - Comtemporary Math - Davied, Ange - 30520

Open Textbook 

CHEM 1814 - Organic Chemistry I - Marshall, Karen - 30230
CHEM 1816 - Organic Chemistry II - Marshall, Karey - 30360

Summer 2025 Session 2
Summer 2025 Session 2


ACCT 1614 - Accounting I - Jones, Andrea - 30522
ACCT 1618 - Managerial Accounting - Jones, Andrea - 30367
ACCT 1625 - Tech Accounting Capstone - Sill, Kailtin - 30524
ANTH 1816 - Cultural Anthropology - Ball, Jeri - 30525
ARTS 1200 - Art Appreciation - Morriss, Tera - 30526
BSTC 1036 - Computer Concepts & Appl - Heier, Deanna - 30069
BUSI 1807 - Customer Service - Foley, Mary - 30010
CHLD 1500 - Introduction to Early Childhood - Bonell, KellyAnn - 30527
COMM 1230 - Public Speaking - Dondanville, Kim - 30528
ECON 1610 - Principles of Macroeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 30370
ECON 1610 - Principles of Macroeconomics - Bergan, Nick - 30529
ECON 1612 - Principles of Microeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 30107
ECON 1615 - Personal Finance - Rothwell, Linda - 30015
EDUC 1128 - Foundations of Modern Education - Davied, Ange - 30530
ENGL 1204 - English Composition I - Rigney, Melissa - 30108
ENGL 1236 - Technical Communications - Little, Karly - 30372
GEOG 1819 - World & Regional Geography - Butler, Jerry - 30059
HIST 1400 - American History to 1877 - Buller, Daniel - 30168
HIST 1402 - American History 1877 - Present - Buller, Daniel - 30169
HIST 1408 - Western Civilization to 1500 - Buller, Daniel - 30021
HIST 1410 - Western Civilization 1500 - Pres - Buller, Daniel - 30245
LANG 1900 - Elementary German I - Schottel, Stephanie - 30171
LANG 1902 - Elementary German II - Schottel, Stephanie - 30172
LIFE 1402 - Principles of Biology - Duncan, Annemarie - 30246
LIFE 1407 - Anatomy & Physiology I - Sabio, Darlene - 30247
LITR 1210 - Intro to Literature - Rigney, Melissa - 30540
LITR 1216 - American Literature - Hardwick, Melissa - 30112
PHIL 1602 - Introduction to Philosophy - Mack, John - 30537
PHIL 1605 - Reason & Argument - Mack, John - 30038
POLS 1800 - Government of United States - Bergantz, Tish - 30039
PSYC 1000 - General Psychology - Knapp, Mark - 30117
SOCIO 1100 - Introduction to Sociology - Archer, Emily - 30576
PSYC 1012 - Introduction to Counseling - Maser, Jakki - 30264
SOCI 1110 - Juvenile Delinquency/Justice - Konda, Kurt - 30253
STAT 1829 - Elements of Statistics - Harrington, Jo - 30050


CHEM 1806 - College Chemistry I - Alliband, Amanda - 30054
EDUC 1135 - Educating the Exceptional Child - Specht, Kim - 30531
EDUC 1142 - Introduction to Instructional Technology - Heier, Deanna - 30153
MATH 1828 - College Algebra - Davied, Ange - 30032

Summer 2025 Session 3
Summer 2025 Session 3


ANTH 1816 - Cultural Anthropology - Ball, Jeri - 30541
COMM 1230 - Public Speaking - Duncan, Alissa - 30106
ECON 1610 - Principles of Macroeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 30013
ECON 1612 - Principles of Microeconomics - Bergan, Nick - 30543
EDUC 1103 - Student Success - Ball, Jeri - 30379
ENGL 1204 - English Composition I - Rigney, Melissa - 30016
ENGL 1206 - English Composition II - Rigney, Melissa - 30381
ENGL 1236 - Technical Communications - Little, Karly - 30177
HIST 1402 - American History 1877 - Present - Kennedy, Ryan - 30020
HLTH 1248 - Personal & Community Health - Brooks, Carol - 30023
LIFE 1402 - Principles of Biology - Duncan, Annemarie - 30259
LIFE 1407 - Anatomy & Physiology I - Welshans, Nicole - 30025
LIFE 1409 - Anatomy & Physiology II - Welshans, Nicole - 30544
PHSC 1404 - Physical Geography - Butler, Jerry - 30180
PHSC 1405 - Physical Geography Lab - Butler, Jerry - 30181
POLS 1801 - Intro to Political Science - Bergantz, Leticia - 30388
POLS 1828 - State & Local Government - Bergantz, Leticia - 30261
PSYC 1016 - Social Psychology - Knapp, Mark - 30118
SOCIO 1100 - Introduction to Sociology - Archer, Emily - 30574


HIST 1463 - Military Hist/Second World War - Buller, Daniel - 30022
MATH 1828 - College Algebra - Scott, Stephanie - 30113
MATH 1830 - Trigonometry - Scott, Stephanie - 30033
PSYC 1027 - Coping with Stress - Maser, Jakki - 30044
QMAT 1828 - Contemporary Math - Davied, Ange - 30548
RELI 1311 - World Religions - Mack, John - 30564

Summer 2025 Session 4
Summer 2025 Session 4


ANTH 1816 - Cultural Anthropology - Ball, Jeri - 30552
ECON 1610 - Principles of Macroeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 30385
ECON 1610 - Principles of Macroeconomics - Bergan, Nicholas - 30555
ECON 1612 - Principles of Microeconomics - Chavarria, Marlo - 30160
HIST 1402 - American History 1877 - Present - Kennedy, Ryan - 30129
HIST 1406 - History of Kansas - Ball, Jeri - 30556
LIFE 1409 - Anatomy & Physiology II - Welshans, Nicole - 30558
MUSI 1002 - Introduction to Music - Fryberger, Vern - 30139
PHIL 1602 - Introduction to Philosophy - Mack, John - 30561
PHSC 1408 - Astronomy - Nardini, Cameron - 30452
POLS 1800 - Government of United States - Bergantz, Tish - 30141
STAT 1829 - Elements of Statistics - Harrington, Jo - 30151


CHEM 1806 - College Chemistry I - Vadapally, Praveen - 30262
CHEM 1808 - College Chemistry II - Marshall, Karey - 30124
HIST 1461 - Military Hist/Amer Civil War - Buller, Daniel - 30132
MATH 1828 - College Algebra - Scott, Stephanie - 30136
MATH 1828 - College Algebra - Davied, Ange - 30137
MATH 1830 - Trigonometry - Scott, Stephanie - 30302
RELI 1311 - World Religions - Mack, John - 30565
SOCI 1114 - Human Sexuality - Konda, Kurt - 30386